.....the moment that really shows who you are is not the moment when you turn down the dirty money nor meaningless fame, it is the moment you kill your dream your efforts your youth and your faith for the right. It is about a hidden history of how we show ourselves who we are through our biggest failure by chosen.
#22.08.20##北影节小西天# 因为刚看了猎人,影像和叙事上的承续在我的感知上更加清晰。反复出现的12月、新年夜,新旧交替的节点。用信来承载梦,用梦来讲述故事,在故事里嵌套故事,后来的故事不断招魂曾经的故事,都是记忆,是意外被打断的遗忘,仿佛那座因为被遗弃所以被误以为毁坏的管风琴。当一切都不再是希腊的,一切也只能是希腊的。From now on, you’re playing with time.