兩星加一星純粹給the great David Lynch as John Ford!! 用影像拍下恐懼與疼痛——火車、母親的affair、校園惡霸——播放來最終重獲「掌控」。可以說filming潛在的動力是解剖自己、是依靠影像的超越性與痛苦脫敏。中產多少有些不痛不癢的酸楚大概是堅守自我的「自私」(很難說是為了所謂藝術)需要付出的代價,這種絕望大概是沈迷在自己相信的事物中感受意義最本源的動力。只可惜四平八穩的拍法和陳舊敘事密封了這些能量,影像無從得到發酵。
西恩潘和小女孩的演技都好好呀 “Well, it takes one to know one.” “How can we be so different and feel so much alike?” “Our concern is what happens when Lucy turns 8.” “But I know what that means.” “You don't know what it's like when you try and you try and you try and you don't ever get there!” “I worry that I've gotten more out of this relationship than you.”