理查德·E·格兰特,露西·劳莱丝,帕顿·奥斯瓦尔特,贝蒂·加布里埃尔,乔·曼根尼罗,帕特里克·布林,拉瑞·凡斯登,汤姆·里皮斯基,尼娜·利安德雷罗,艾碧该·萨维奇,Jason Gore,Maggie Lakis,Rob McClure,Malcolm Mills,Jordan Douglas Smith
I think the problem is that, the real and original fights of suffragettes are better narratives and no less dramatic, but this story has to rely on fictitious characters, which may relate to broader suffragette profiles, but lack development and genuineness. Emmeline Pankhurst.
Philip Pullman的小说《黑暗物质三部曲》算是我个人非常喜欢的小说系列了。其实早在2007年电影版的时候我就非常喜欢,只不过很可惜,新线公司因此被卖给了华纳。但是整个世界观架构还是非常引人入胜的,等了这么久IP终于复活,期待第二季!