大胆开麦:这一季是看到现在5季里最差的一季:1. “紧跟时事”可以,但生硬到令人反感。不是每次见面说一句“我隔离了打疫苗了巴拉巴拉”就代表关注到了疫情,或是兰德尔突然开始矫情小时候自己作为黑人在白人家庭难以自处来暗示这部剧多有深度。前四季都在讲自我,爱情,家庭,生活,现在突然这样不免让人觉得别扭。从第四季看完直接开始看第五季,本季开头的地方衔接的生硬到不行。 2. S5E6兰德尔父母线非常的天马行空难以让人理解,倒也不必如此drama. P.S.皮尔森家的人真是各个都是演讲能手,夸夸群大师……椅子没白造,K for Kevin,M for Mom😌 针对最后一集的伏笔:我之前一直以为,凯特和邻居大哥更有可能…原来我站错cp了?
i think they tried too hard to make it coming-of-age-y and it didn't work, the characters were not truly tested and the plot is just too cookie-cutter-y to feel genuine. coming of age stories work because there are true pains in it and not just an adult comedy disguised in a kid's movie