4.0Alex Sturman,Clayton Haymes,David Chattam,David E. Ballard,Shirley Dalmas,Joanna Fyllidou,Steven T. Bartlett,Tim Molyneux,Holgie Forrester,Tom Webb,Beau Kiger,Pasha Sol,John Demakas,D. Brad St. Cyr,威廉·W·巴伯,Tyler McDanniel,David Jon Foster,William Ramos Jr
A social satire/catharsis/critique. Some cinematic techniques still carry a sense of experiment even today; the final mock-up court scene is theatrical yet powerful, throwing a timeless enigma of morality to the audience.
两三人的室内剧,舞台后方置景细节又宏大,即使没怎么用到。 Bill Nighy把这更偏负面的角色演得出人意料,话痨吐槽是件包裹自我的大衣,以及他这是笑场了吧哈哈…倒是Kyra一以贯之的冷静有些距离感,最后故意看信的矛盾略显生拉硬拽了。 Education has to be a mixture of haven and challenge. 要是只在巴士上侃几分钟, loving the ppl is easy, loving a person is different. 编剧中场采访说写这部是因为当时政府认为企业家最重要而不是从事公共事业的人,二十年后重演依然如此,看来还没过时。编辑发掘了Bill Nighy身上romantic特质,后来演真爱至上也有相似气质