听听奥登读诗,很喜欢写在大盘子上的诗“Time will say nothing but I told you so,If I could tell you I would let you know.” 奥登粗粝的脸在20世纪所有作家中是最容易辨认的。他理解相机的力量,并在年轻时就开始留影,这些照片常由著名摄影师们拍摄,包括Cecil Beaton!但是视频里他粗粝的脸配上挂着的微笑相当可爱。 —你觉得去写一首欢乐的爱情诗有可能吗?大多数杰作都十分忧郁。 —嗯,我觉得你可以写写关于不那么纠结的爱的欢乐作品!我觉得倒是有很多想这样子的,“收集好玫瑰,趁还来得及……”就像这样。 “人们谈起他近期的离世就像在谈论一个特别的人,听到这个消息就像是听到北极熊灭绝的消息一样。”
"I must study politics and war, that our sons may have liberty to study mathematics and philosophy. Our sons ought to study mathematics and philosophy, geography, natural history and naval architecture, navigation, commerce and agriculture in order to give their children a right to study painting, poetry, music, architecture, statuary, tapestry and porcelain.” (John Adams)