所谓好电影,大概就是在合适的时间遇上了合适的电影。激进的泰欧,逃避的伊莎贝尔,迷茫的马修,到处都是你我青春的影子。藏在别墅里喝着红酒,讨论着电影讨论着新浪潮讨论着革命,却逃避街上流血的事实,也许是他们不知道该做些什么,也许是他们知道这个世界是不可改变的。当火焰熄灭,那群五月走上街头的人从一开始就不知道自己在反抗什么。你所反抗的是被允许反抗的,你所追求的是大多数人追求的。当理想主义光芒褪去,只剩下妥协一条路可走。Caught in a landslide no escape from reality.
with any luck by next year, I'll be going out with one of these girls... but for now, let me say, without hope or agenda, just because it's christmas, (and at christmas you tell the truth) .to me, you are perfect. and my wasted heart will love you, until you look like this